A n i m i s m s

2 2 .  J U N E  2 0 2 2

I S O T O P ,  B E R G E N

Atom Spirit - Ursula Mayer, 20m, 2017

Animisms was a one-day film festival of experimental films by artists whose work explores intimate connections between humans, animals, and the environment. "Animism" (from Latin, anima, meaning "life, soul") is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence—one that can foster a more ecological and respectful relationship with the natural world. The cultural significance of midsummer, as a celestial event that highlights the sacred and life-giving vitality of sunlight, provided the context for considering how artists approach the light of the moving image, and its technological reproduction, as an animate force; cultivating alternative perspectives on entanglements between human/non-human life, gender and history.


- Lamb - Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer, 6m, 2019
- You Can’t Imagine Nothing - Ben Rivers, 5m, 2018
- The Earth Moves because it is Alive - Eli Maria Lundgaard, 17m, 2018
- Animations from Cape Dorset - Solomonie Pootoogook, Timmun Alariaq, Mathew Joanasie, and Itee Pootoogook Pilaloosie, 13m, 1973
- Areoles - Hamid Waheed, 14m, 2021

- Flash in the Metropolitan - Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer, 16mm, 4m, 2006
- Atom Spirit - Ursula Mayer, 20m, 2017
- Cavalos - Solange Pessoa, 6m, 2003
- The Song of The Spinning Tree - Jack O’Flynn, 8m, 2022
- Castorocene - George Finlay Ramsay, 11m, 2021

- SaF05 - Charlotte Prodger, 39 minutes, 2019
- The Unmanned - 1834 - La Mémoire de Masse' - Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni, 13m, 201
- While Darwin Sleeps - Paul Bush, 5m, 2004

Images courtesy of the artists and LUX London
Supported by Bergen Kommune and BEK Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts
Poster Design by Luke Drozd

Lamb - Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer, 6m, 2019

Castorocene - George Finlay Ramsay, 11m, 2021